Friday, May 11, 2018

Welcome to TMCArk!

Some basic information and rules for our Server Cluster...

This is a gaming community dedicated to the Wildcard game Ark: Survival Evolved, for more information and to join our Steam Community page click here.

Basic rules...

Don't Block Resource Heavy Areas / Dino Spawns / Access to Artifact Caves
Don't Spam Structures Everywhere
Don't Grief Other Players
Don't Be A Dick...

All Servers are 5x Experience, 5x Gather Rate, 10x Taming and 15x Breeding.

Gamma is not allowed.  This is a Survival game.  Survive the dark.  Or do what everyone else does and cheat the gamma with your Nvidia Control Panel Settings.

Ark is a sometimes polished, sometimes glitchy game.  At some point, Wildcard will work those out.  So if your dino or body falls through the floor or gets stuck, the Admins won't be able to help.  For the most part the settings on this server are such that whatever you may have lost, you will be able to replace - and quickly.

For more comprehensive rules and information, join our Steam Community Group!